Red Black Tree

A red black tree (rb-tree) is a self balancing binary tree. It’s particularly useful for storing sorted data, even after insertions or removals. As such it can be used a priority queue and even traversed in order very easily. Similar to a map, its nodes have a key, which is used for sorting, and a value.


RBTREE_DEFINE_H(type_name, function_prefix, key_type, value_type)
RBTREE_DEFINE_C(type_name, function_prefix, key_type, value_type, compare_fn)
Name Description
type_name The name of the generated type.
function_prefix The name to prefix the rb-tree functions with.
key_type The key of each node.
value_type The value of each node.
compare_fn A function that compares two keys.


These generally don’t need to be accessed directly, but there are functions for getting the nodes directly in order to make some operations easier (iterating over a subsection of the tree for example). The tree fields should be retrieved using the proper functions though.


Name Type Description
root RBTreeNode* The root node of the tree.
count unsigned int The number of nodes in the tree.

Node Fields:

Name Type Description
left RBTreeNode* The left child of the node. The child key is less than the parent key.
right RBTreeNode* The right child of the node. The child key is greater than the parent key.
parent RBTreeNode* The parent of this node.
key key_type The key used to sort this node.
value value_type The value of this node.
color RBColor Internal use only. Do not modify.


The following creates a tree of people sorted by their ages. It then updates one of their names, gets the youngest person, and finally removes the oldest.

#include <generic_rbtree.h>

// The comparison function used by the tree.
static int int_cmp(int left, int right) {
    return left < right ? -1 : (left > right ? 1 : 0); 

// Define the data structure
RBTREE_DEFINE_H(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*)
RBTREE_DEFINE_C(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*, int_cmp)

// Allocate and initialize the tree.
AgeTree* tree = age_tree_create(tree);

// Add the people to the tree.
age_tree_add(tree, 12, "Stacy");
age_tree_add(tree, 13, "Kenny");
AgeTreeNode* elizabeth = age_tree_add(tree, 13, "Elizabeth");
age_tree_add(tree, 35, "Stacy's Mom");

// Elizabeth wants to be called by Elise now, so we just update the value on the node directly.
// Currently this is the only way to update a value.
elizabeth->value = "Elise";

// Gets the youngest person
char* youngest_name;
age_tree_get_min(tree, &youngest_name);

printf("Youngest: %s\n", youngest_name);
// Output:
// Youngest: Stacy

// Removes and gets the oldest person by their node.
AgeTreeNode* oldest = age_tree_remove_max_node(tree);

printf("%s: %d\n", oldest->value, oldest->key);
// Output:
// Stacy's Mom: 35

// When you remove a node directly, it needs to be freed manually.

// We're done with the tree, time to free it. The free function has an option to free the nodes along with the tree
// because it's possible that the user owns the nodes, not the tree.

// We let the function free the nodes for us.
age_tree_free(tree, true);


Sometimes you may want to have ownership or otherwise fine control over the nodes in the tree. One such example was used above, where the value of a node was changed. This is an advanced example that creates the nodes and tree on the stack, using the exact same keys and values as the ones above.

#include <generic_rbtree.h>

// The comparison function used by the tree.
static int int_cmp(int left, int right) {
    return left < right ? -1 : (left > right ? 1 : 0); 

RBTREE_DEFINE_H(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*)
RBTREE_DEFINE_C(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*, int_cmp)

AgeTree tree;

#define PEOPLE 4

AgeTreeNode nodes[PEOPLE] = {
    { .key = 12, .value = "Stacy" },
    { .key = 13, .value = "Kenny" },
    { .key = 13, .value = "Elizabeth" },
    { .key = 35, .value = "Stacy's Mom" }

for(int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++)
    age_tree_add_node(&tree, nodes + i);

// Change Elizabeths name to Elise.
nodes[2].value = "Elise";

// Continue using the tree.

// Once you're done, since the entire data structure was allocated on the stack,
// there is no clean up to do.


There are a couple of extensions for iterating over the nodes in a rb-tree. All of them iterate over the tree in-order. One iterates over the keys, one over the values, and finally one iterates over both the keys and values together. It’s meant to be used like a for loop. Unfortunately, the extension needs the type of the tree to function properly, making it a little more cumbersome compared to the other iterators, but it’s still immensely useful.

#include <generic_rbtree.h>

// The comparison function used by the tree.
static int int_cmp(int left, int right) {
    return left < right ? -1 : (left > right ? 1 : 0); 

RBTREE_DEFINE_H(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*)
RBTREE_DEFINE_C(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*, int_cmp)

AgeTree* tree = age_tree_create(tree);

age_tree_add(tree, 12, "Stacy");
age_tree_add(tree, 13, "Kenny");
age_tree_add(tree, 13, "Elise");
age_tree_add(tree, 35, "Stacy's Mom");

int age;
char* name;

// Iterate over both keys and values
rbtree_iter_start(AgeTree, tree, age, name) {
    printf("%s: %d\n", name, age);

// Output:
// Stacy: 12
// Kenny: 13
// Elise: 13
// Stacy's Mom: 35

// Iterate over just the keys
rbtree_iter_keys_start(AgeTree, tree, age) {
    printf("%d\n", age);

// Output
// 12
// 13
// 13
// 35

// Iterate over just the values
rbtree_iter_values_start(AgeTree, tree, name)
    printf("%s\n", name);

// Output:
// Stacy
// Kenny
// Elise
// Stacy's Mom

age_tree_free(tree, true);


rbtree_iter_start(type_name, tree, out_key, out_value)
rbtree_iter_keys_start(type_name, tree, out_key)
rbtree_iter_values_start(type_name, tree, out_value)
Name Type Description
type_name type_name The name of trees type.
tree RBTree The tree to iterate over.
out_key key_type A variable to be set by the iterator to the current key.
out_value value_type A variable to be set by the iterator to the current value.

It is not safe to modify the tree at all during iteration.

It is safe to nest an iteration block inside of another.