A red black tree (rb-tree) is a self balancing binary tree. It’s particularly useful for storing sorted data, even after insertions or removals. As such it can be used a priority queue and even traversed in order very easily. Similar to a map, its nodes have a key, which is used for sorting, and a value.
RBTREE_DEFINE_H(type_name, function_prefix, key_type, value_type)
RBTREE_DEFINE_C(type_name, function_prefix, key_type, value_type, compare_fn)
Name | Description |
type_name | The name of the generated type. |
function_prefix | The name to prefix the rb-tree functions with. |
key_type | The key of each node. |
value_type | The value of each node. |
compare_fn | A function that compares two keys. |
These generally don’t need to be accessed directly, but there are functions for getting the nodes directly in order to make some operations easier (iterating over a subsection of the tree for example). The tree fields should be retrieved using the proper functions though.
Name | Type | Description |
root | RBTreeNode* | The root node of the tree. |
count | unsigned int | The number of nodes in the tree. |
Node Fields:
Name | Type | Description |
left | RBTreeNode* | The left child of the node. The child key is less than the parent key. |
right | RBTreeNode* | The right child of the node. The child key is greater than the parent key. |
parent | RBTreeNode* | The parent of this node. |
key | key_type | The key used to sort this node. |
value | value_type | The value of this node. |
color | RBColor | Internal use only. Do not modify. |
The following creates a tree of people sorted by their ages. It then updates one of their names, gets the youngest person, and finally removes the oldest.
#include <generic_rbtree.h>
// The comparison function used by the tree.
static int int_cmp(int left, int right) {
return left < right ? -1 : (left > right ? 1 : 0);
// Define the data structure
RBTREE_DEFINE_H(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*)
RBTREE_DEFINE_C(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*, int_cmp)
// Allocate and initialize the tree.
AgeTree* tree = age_tree_create(tree);
// Add the people to the tree.
age_tree_add(tree, 12, "Stacy");
age_tree_add(tree, 13, "Kenny");
AgeTreeNode* elizabeth = age_tree_add(tree, 13, "Elizabeth");
age_tree_add(tree, 35, "Stacy's Mom");
// Elizabeth wants to be called by Elise now, so we just update the value on the node directly.
// Currently this is the only way to update a value.
elizabeth->value = "Elise";
// Gets the youngest person
char* youngest_name;
age_tree_get_min(tree, &youngest_name);
printf("Youngest: %s\n", youngest_name);
// Output:
// Youngest: Stacy
// Removes and gets the oldest person by their node.
AgeTreeNode* oldest = age_tree_remove_max_node(tree);
printf("%s: %d\n", oldest->value, oldest->key);
// Output:
// Stacy's Mom: 35
// When you remove a node directly, it needs to be freed manually.
// We're done with the tree, time to free it. The free function has an option to free the nodes along with the tree
// because it's possible that the user owns the nodes, not the tree.
// We let the function free the nodes for us.
age_tree_free(tree, true);
Sometimes you may want to have ownership or otherwise fine control over the nodes in the tree. One such example was used above, where the value of a node was changed. This is an advanced example that creates the nodes and tree on the stack, using the exact same keys and values as the ones above.
#include <generic_rbtree.h>
// The comparison function used by the tree.
static int int_cmp(int left, int right) {
return left < right ? -1 : (left > right ? 1 : 0);
RBTREE_DEFINE_H(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*)
RBTREE_DEFINE_C(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*, int_cmp)
AgeTree tree;
#define PEOPLE 4
AgeTreeNode nodes[PEOPLE] = {
{ .key = 12, .value = "Stacy" },
{ .key = 13, .value = "Kenny" },
{ .key = 13, .value = "Elizabeth" },
{ .key = 35, .value = "Stacy's Mom" }
for(int i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++)
age_tree_add_node(&tree, nodes + i);
// Change Elizabeths name to Elise.
nodes[2].value = "Elise";
// Continue using the tree.
// Once you're done, since the entire data structure was allocated on the stack,
// there is no clean up to do.
There are a couple of extensions for iterating over the nodes in a rb-tree. All of them iterate over the tree in-order. One iterates over the keys, one over the values, and finally one iterates over both the keys and values together. It’s meant to be used like a for loop. Unfortunately, the extension needs the type of the tree to function properly, making it a little more cumbersome compared to the other iterators, but it’s still immensely useful.
#include <generic_rbtree.h>
// The comparison function used by the tree.
static int int_cmp(int left, int right) {
return left < right ? -1 : (left > right ? 1 : 0);
RBTREE_DEFINE_H(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*)
RBTREE_DEFINE_C(AgeTree, age_tree, int, char*, int_cmp)
AgeTree* tree = age_tree_create(tree);
age_tree_add(tree, 12, "Stacy");
age_tree_add(tree, 13, "Kenny");
age_tree_add(tree, 13, "Elise");
age_tree_add(tree, 35, "Stacy's Mom");
int age;
char* name;
// Iterate over both keys and values
rbtree_iter_start(AgeTree, tree, age, name) {
printf("%s: %d\n", name, age);
// Output:
// Stacy: 12
// Kenny: 13
// Elise: 13
// Stacy's Mom: 35
// Iterate over just the keys
rbtree_iter_keys_start(AgeTree, tree, age) {
printf("%d\n", age);
// Output
// 12
// 13
// 13
// 35
// Iterate over just the values
rbtree_iter_values_start(AgeTree, tree, name)
printf("%s\n", name);
// Output:
// Stacy
// Kenny
// Elise
// Stacy's Mom
age_tree_free(tree, true);
rbtree_iter_start(type_name, tree, out_key, out_value)
rbtree_iter_keys_start(type_name, tree, out_key)
rbtree_iter_values_start(type_name, tree, out_value)
Name | Type | Description |
type_name | type_name | The name of trees type. |
tree | RBTree | The tree to iterate over. |
out_key | key_type | A variable to be set by the iterator to the current key. |
out_value | value_type | A variable to be set by the iterator to the current value. |
It is not safe to modify the tree at all during iteration.
It is safe to nest an iteration block inside of another.