
Causes an event to call all of the functions subscribed to it.


void event_trigger(Event* event, ...);
void GDS_EVENT_TRIGGER(GdsEvent* event, event_signature, ...)
Name Type Description
event Event* A pointer to the event.
event_signature function_signature The signature of the functions called by the event.
The arguments to pass to the functions.


The arguments passed to this function will be strongly typed if the event was created using one of the EVENT_DEFINE_#_H macros.

When triggering a generic event, the function signature is needed as well. There are two helper macros to make this easier:

  • GDS_EVENT_DEFAULT for functions that only receive the context pointer
  • GDS_EVENT_SIGNATURE(…) for functions that have additional arguments.

You can, however, always just write the function signature manually.

The following lines are equivalent to each other:

void (*)(void*, char*)


Strongly Typed:

EVENT_DEFINE_1_H(StringEvent, str_event, char*)
EVENT_DEFINE_C(StringEvent, str_event)

static void print_string(void* ctx, char* str) {

static void print_context_and_string(void* ctx, char* str) {
    printf("%s%s\n", (char*)ctx, str);

StringEvent* event = str_event_create();

str_event_subscribe(event, NULL, print_string);
str_event_subscribe(event, "Hello ", print_context_and_string);

str_event_trigger(event, "World");


// Output:
// World
// Hello World

Generically Typed:

static void print_string(void* ctx, char* str) {

GdsEvent* event = gds_event_create();

gds_event_subscribe(event, NULL, print_string);

GDS_EVENT_TRIGGER(event, GDS_EVENT_SIGNATURE(char*), "Hello World");


// Output:
// Hello World