
An option is a type that can potentially hold a value. In other words, it is used to represent a situation where there may or may not be a value. It is similar to Option<T> in rust or Nullable<T> in C#.

Unlike most of the other data structures included in this library, all of the functions related to Option pass their arguments by value instead of through a pointer.


OPTION_DEFINE_H(type_name, function_prefix, value_type)
Name Description
type_name The name of the generated type.
function_prefix The name to prefix the map functions with.
value_type The type that can potentially be held by the option.


These shouldn’t be accessed directly. Instead, use the corresponding functions (which should be inlined) or macros. However, they’re documented just in case.

Name Type Description
value value_type The value held by the option.
has_value bool Determines if the option has a value or not.


#include <generic_option.h>

OPTION_DEFINE_H(StringOption, str_opt, char*)

StringOption none = str_opt_default();
StringOption some = str_opt_make("Hello World");

printf("none has value? %s\n", str_opt_has_value(none) ? "true" : "false");
printf("some has value? %s\n", str_opt_has_value(some) ? "true" : "false");

printf("somes value: %s\n", str_opt_value(some));

// Output:
// none has value? false
// some has value? true
// somes value: Hello World