
An event is a type used to implement the observer pattern. It is similar to events in the C# language. Functions can subscribe to an event. When the event is triggered, those functions will be called.

There is a strongly-typed version that uses macros similar to c++ templates, but there is also a weakly-typed implementation. In order to use the weakly-typed version, in one source file you must define GENERIC_EVENT_IMPLEMENTATION before including the generic_event.h header.


EVENT_DEFINE_<arg_count>_H(type_name, function_prefix, ...)
EVENT_DEFINE_C(type_name, function_prefix)

Here <arg_count> should be replaced with the number of arguments that the event will have. This implementation only supports 0-10 arguments.

Name Description
type_name The name of the generated type.
function_prefix The name to prefix the generated functions with.
If arg_count is greater than zero, the types of the arguments used to trigger the event.

For example, an event that takes in one string argument would be defined like so:

EVENT_DEFINE_1_H(StringEvent, str_event, char*)
EVENT_DEFINE_C(StringEvent, str_event)


All functions that will be subscribed to an event, whether it’s strongly-typed or not, should have a void* as its first argument. This will be the context used to subscribe the function to the event. This does not count as one of the arguments when counting for <arg_count>. For example, a function that would be subscribed to the StringEvent defined above would have the following signature:

void some_function(void* ctx, char* string_value);


These generally shouldn’t be accessed directly, but they’re documented just in case they’re needed. This data type defines an additional struct and a function typedef. They are <type_name>Subscription and void <type_name>Delegate(void*, ...) respectively. <type_name> will be replaced with the event type name.


Name Type Description
data void* The context passed to the function when the event is triggered.
function EventDelegate The function to call when the event is triggered.


Name Type Description
subscriptions EventSubscription* A list of the functions subscribed to the event.
count unsigned int The number of subscriptions.
capacity unsigned int The number of subscriptions that can be added to the event before resizing.


#include <generic_event.h>

EVENT_DEFINE_1_H(StringEvent, str_event, char*)
EVENT_DEFINE_C(StringEvent, str_event)

static void print_string(void* ctx, char* str) {

static void print_context_and_string(void* ctx, char* str) {
    printf("%s%s\n", (char*)ctx, str);

StringEvent* event = str_event_create();

char* context = "Hello ";

str_event_subscribe(event, NULL, print_string);
str_event_subscribe(event, context, print_context_and_string);

str_event_trigger(event, "World");

str_event_unsubscribe(event, context, print_context_and_string);

str_event_trigger(event, "String all alone");


// Output:
// World
// Hello World
// String all alone